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"Serve one another as faithful stewards of God’s varied grace (1 Peter 4:10)" under this guiding principle, in 1956, missionaries from the American Southern Presbyterian Church established Hannam University in the challenging and barren land of Ojeonggol. Over the past 68 years, despite many hardships, our university has steadfastly upheld the founding principles of 'truth,' 'Freedom,' and 'Service,' and has cultivated diverse talents endowed with Christian virtues and creative thinking through exemplary academic management.
Hannam University has been an early practitioner of globalizing education compared to other universities. in 2005, we established the "Linton Global College," the nation's first English-only college, with a full international faculty to teach all courses in English, pioneering innovative global education. Since 2019, we have been operating joint educational programs with leading universities from around the world through the establishment of the Hannam Design Factory.
In addition, Hannam University has been playing a pivotal role in driving the development of the regional community. In 2004, we created the "Daedeok Valley Campus" within the Daedeok Research Complex, the nation's first Bio-nano academic-industrial collaboration cluster, serving as an innovative role model for academic-industrial cooperation, where education, research, and production are integrated. Moreover, as the only institution in the Chungcheong region to be selected for the "Campus innovation Park Leading Project," we are growing into a hub for regional industrial development in conjunction with Daejeon's 1st and 2nd industrial Complexes, R&D Special Zone, and the innovation City, and have been chosen as a "Start-Up Focused University" representing Daejeon, playing a leading role in revitalizing the local start-up ecosystem and establishing entrepreneurship infrastructure and networks.
Nowadays, many say that universities are in a crisis. However, I see this crisis as an opportunity to lead the development of our region and to innovate ourselves into a prestigious university in the world. To this end, I propose the vision of "together with the Region, A Major Shift toward the Global Stage," and I am determined to drive four major innovation initiatives: Creative innovation, Educational innovation, Sustainable innovation, and Glocal innovation.
Through these initiatives, we will transform the Ojeong-dong Campus into a "Global innovation Campus Park," focusing on Campus innovation Park, Start-Up Focused University, Design Factory, and Linton Global College as the cornerstone for regional innovative growth as well as establishing the collaborative system of Global Christian universities to enhance the prestige of Hannam University as a leading Christian institution representing Korea. Furthermore, we aim to specialize the Daedeok Valley Campus as a biomedical cluster where domestic and international corporations and research institutes participate, creating the world’s leading bio-medical academic-industrial collaboration hub.
Hannam University is now poised to embrace an era of major transformation, leaping together with the region into the global stage. As God’s steward, I am committed to doing my utmost to ensure that Hannam University can soar as a world-renowned university representing Korea. I humbly ask for everyone's interest and support. Thank you.
2025. 03
Seung-Cheol Yi, Ph.D
President, Hannam University