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• 2024
2024. 03 Dr. Seung-cheol YI took office as the 18th President
• 2023
2023. 01 Opened the “Micro-degree Program (MDP)” in the
Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA), the first
program of its kind introduced in South Korea in 2019
2023. 03 Designated
as an internationally certified institution for educational
internationalization competence for 10 consecutive years in the Evaluation of
Internationalization Competence Certification System (IEQAS)
2023. 03 Selected as the
managing organization for the Entrepreneurship-Driven University Project in
2023. 04 Signed an MOU(Memorandum of Understanding) with the Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology(KIT) in Germany (Agreement Period : from April 2023 for
5 years)
2023. 05 Establishment of the Daejeon
International Development Cooperation Center at the main campus
2023. 05 Passing away of Rev.
John N. Somerville, founding member of Hannam University
• 2022
2022. 01 Apointed as the new President of ACUCA (Association
of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia) (Term : 2022.01.01~2023.12.31)
2022. 01 Selected as an
excellent (top-grade) university for 6 consecutive years in the performance
evaluation of the University Job Center.
2022. 02 Designated as an internationally certified
institution for educational internationalization competence for 9 consecutive
years in the Evaluation of Internationalization Competence Certification System
2022. 02 William Linton, the
first President of Hannam University, selected as the ‘March Independence
Activist of 2022’ by the National Veterans Affairs Administration
2022. 04 Selected for the LINC
3.0(Leading University in the Industry-Academic Cooperation) project
2022. 05 Selected for the High
School Education Contribution University Support Program for 6 consecutive
2022 07 Received an ‘A Grade’
evaluation for the Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) program for the fifth
consecutive year
2022. 08 Government approval of
the Korea Smart Logistics Technology ODA (Official Development Assistance) project
in Indonesia
2022. 09 Signed a 2+2 dual
program MOA(Memorandum of Agreement) with Vanlang University in Vietnam (Agrrment
Period : 2022.09~2027.08)
• 2021
2021. 02 Selected
as an operating organization for the Daejeon-type Co-op Youth New Leader
Training Program
2021. 02 selected
as 'Excellent (Top Grade) University' for 5 consecutive years in performance
2021. 02 Designated
as an internationally certified institution for educational
internationalization competence for 8 consecutive years in the Evaluation of
Internationalization Competence Certification System (IEQAS)
2021. 03 Selected
as one of the institutions as an Excellent-rated organization for 2 consecutive
years in the evaluation of the Initial Start-up Package performance
2021. 04 Selected as the K-Digital Training Program, aimed
at fostering digital core practical talent
2021. 05 Selected for the High School Education Contribution
University Support Program for 5 consecutive years
2021.09 Obtained the highest rate
(Grade A) in the annual evaluation of the University Innovation Support Program
and the comprehensive evaluation for the 3 consecutive years
2021.12 Ranked 2nd
nationwide in the comprehensive university entrepreneurship index (according to
the evaluation announced by Maeil Business Newspaper and the Association of Startup
Business Incubators).
• 2020
2020. 01 MakerSpace construction completed
2020. 02 Selected as an education internationalization
certified university for 7 consecutive years
2020. 03 Dr. Kwang-Sup LEE took office as the 17th President
2020. 05 Designated as a '4th Industrial Revolution
Innovation Leading University'
2020. 05 Designated as a 'High School Education
Contributing University' for four consecutive years
2020. 06 Achieved the third place in the national
university startup index announced by Maeil Business Newspaper
2020. 12 Groundbreaking ceremony for the Hanam University
Campus Innovation Park and a signing ceremony for the Happy Housing Agreement
were held
• 2019
2019. 6 Ranked fourth in the nation for university
start-up index of the Maeil Economic Daily
2019. 5 Selected as the piolt university contributing to
high school education by the Ministry of Education
2019. 2 Selected as the accredited university for
International Education Quality Assurance System(IEQAS)
• 2018
2018. 6. Selected as the university for autonomous
improvement in the university qualification assessment by the Ministry of
2018. 6. Ranked first in Daejeon(including national
universities) and ranked fifteen in the nation for university start-up index by
the Maeil Economic Daily
2018. 3. Selected as the best university for two
consecutive years in the university job center assessment by the Ministry of
Employment and Labor
• 2017
2017.11 Fulfilled all the criteria for university
accreditation by the Korea Council for University Education.
2017. 6 Selected as the pilot university contributing to
high school education by the Ministry of Education
2017. 4 Selected as the leading university for
LINC+(Leaders in INdustry-university Cooperation) project
• 2016
2016.05 Registered as a member of the Associatoin of
Presbyterian Colleges and Universities
2016.04 60th Anniversary of the founding of Hannam
2016.03 Dr. Duk-hoon Lee took office as the 16th
• 2015
2015.10 Selected as Excellent University[Grade B] in the
University Structural Reform Evaluation by the Ministry of
2015.09 Selected as the Career Development
Center for the Creative Econnomy for Daejeon and Sejong by the Ministry
of Employment and Labor
• 2014
2014.07 Chosen for 5 Creative Korea Programs(CK-1) by the
Ministry of Education
2014.04 58th anniversary event (medium conference room,
5th Anniversary Memorial Hall)
• 2013
2013.03 Groundbreaking ceremony, Christian Missionary
2013.02 Rev. SamsooJangelected chairman of Daejeon
Christian Academy
• 2012
2012.11 Hannam Day 56th anniversary event (medium
conference room, 56th Anniversary Memorial Hall)
2012.10 Inaugural art gallery exhibition, College of Art
(College of Art gallery, 2ndfl.)
2012.09 Dedication ceremony for student military
education team
2012.06 Dedication ceremony for high-tech lecture hall
and Business College expansion (2ndfl.atrium, 56th Anniversary Memorial Hall)
2012.03 Inauguration of Dr. Hyungtae Kim as15th president
of HNU (University Chapel)
• 2011
2011.10 Twentieth anniversary of exchange with Okinawa
International University (OIU student center, 4thfl.
2011.10 Signing ceremony for HNU-SK Broadband mobile
campus project (main conference room)
2011.09 Dedication ceremony for Hannam Road and stadium
ball field (campus athletic field)
2011.08 Signing ceremony for HNU-Hahiho Hotel
industry-academia agreement (Hahiho Hotel Conventional Hall)
2011.04 Unveiling of statue of Dr. William A. Linton, Hannam
University’s first president
(Linton Park)
• 2010
2010.08 Started construction of a cutting-edge lecture
hall and a new extension of building for the College of Economics and Business
2010.03 10 Colleges, 7 graduate schools; 17,000
registered students; 73,900 graduates
• 2000
2009.12 Established the HNU-US branch office at Western
Carolina University, NC, U.S.A.
2009.02 Selected as a recipient university of the
governmental funding for employment support by the Ministry of Education.
2008.12 Dr. Jeong-yeol Kim was inaugurated as the 8th
Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
2008.03 Dr. Hyung-tae Kim was inaugurated as Hannam's
14th President.
2008.02 Opened the Global House (45 units) and Student
Dormitory (Capacity: 540)
2007.12 Granted the land of Taejon Christian
International School by the Presbyterian Church (USA)
2007.04 Opened the HNU Science Park in Daedeok Valley
2006.04 Opened the Linton Memorial Park
2006.04 Celebrated the 50th Anniversary.
2005.03 Established the Linton Global College.
2005.03 Established the College of Art and Design.
2005.03 Established the Promega-Hannam BTCI
(Bio-Pharmaceutical Technology Center Institute)
2005.02 Established Daedeok Valley Campus
2005.01 Rev. Sam-hwan Kim was inaugurated as the 7th
Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
2004.03 Dr. Sangyoon Lee was inaugurated as the 13th
2004.02 Established the Institute for Industry-Academia
2003.06 Selected as Regional Research Center (RRC) by the
Ministry of Science and Technology
2003.04 Implemented a master’s degree in IT programs for professors
of the Philippines
2002.02 General Education Program was accredited by
Korean Council for University Education.
2000.02 Dr. Yoon-Pyo Shin was inaugurated as the 12th
• 1990
1999.09 Selected as a recipient of BK21 funding by the
Ministry of Education.
1997.11 The Graduate School of Technological
Interdisciplinary Studies and the Graduate School of Public Policies was
1997.10 Multimedia College was established.
1997.02 Hannam was recognized as an outstanding
institution in the general evaluation conducted by the Korean Council for
University Education.
1996.10 Hannam was heralded as an outstanding university
in the 1996 evaluation for educational reform conducted by the Korean Council
for University Education.
1996.03 Dr. Seyeul Kim was inaugurated as Hannam's 11th
1995.10 The Graduate School of Industry was established.
1992.03 Dr. Chong Min Pak was inaugurated as Hannam's
10th president.
• 1980
1989.11 The Graduate School of Small & Medium
Business was established.
1988.11 The Graduate School of Education was established.
1986.03 Dr. Won Sul Lee was inaugurated as the 9th
1985.11 Hannam College was granted a university status by
the Ministry of Education
1982.12 The name of the institution was changed to Hannam
• 1970
1979.12 The Graduate School of Regional Science is
1972.01 Granted by the Ministry of Education to establish
a graduate school.
1971.01 The name of the institution was changed to
Soongjun College.
• 1960
1963.01 100 percent of the students passed the bachelor's
degree examination required by the Ministry of Education.
1960.07 Dr. John Talmage took office as the second
• 1950
1959.04 The institution was renamed as Daejeon College.
1956.04 Daejeon Christian Academy was established with
three departments. Dr. William A. Linton became the first president.
1954.05 The Korea Mission, World Missionary Work Division
of the Presbyterian Church, USA decided to establish a university in Daejeon.